
Saturday, March 8, 2014

March 2014 - "U of A Art Museum & Lunch"

March 2014 - Our very first road trip -  to the University of Arizona Art Museum to see their "Unfolding Legacy" exhibitions.  Connie & Cathy were kind enough to be our designated drivers and after meeting up at Madera, off we went - (Some of us were even had a scenic tour & taxi ride!)   Much of the artwork (which ran the gamut from Calder & Miro to Dali & Renoir) has not been exhibited for several decades, with most donated by generous benefactors.   Although some of the art was totally lost on this blogger (? what the heck is that ?), we all found much to appreciate - and an unexpected bonus of live music - as one of the exhibition rooms was being used for guitar recitals.

Debbie H, Sharon T, Christy C, Kelly H, Vicky W, Cathy H, Daryl L, Connie B, Ruth N

Georgia O'Keefe
Guitar Recital
 After perusing the collections, it was off to lunch at the Blue Willow - on their patio deck where we had great food, conversation, and wine!  Highly recommended!

Clockwise from left - Cathy, Christy, Daryl, Vicky, Connie, Kelly, Debbie, Sharon, & Ruth

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