
Friday, September 1, 2017

A Lovely Day for a Picnic! September 1, 2017

Lovely weather in September begets a WWW gathering at one of the many picnic areas in Madera Canyon. Our intrepid host, Vicky, lugged all all the food (hot dogs, potato salad, baked beans, potato chips, s'mores), water and set ups as well as cooking utensils and charcoal to grill the 'dogs'. She even had time to create political signage for our very own WWW candidate for the Board, Connie! All the ladies had to do was bring their own wine and a comfy chair. Thank you Vicky for being such a terrific hostess!

Ten of our ladies were able to attend this event. Carole arranged for a talk by one of the park rangers, Doug, who not only takes the most gorgeous pictures but is very knowledgeable about the flora and fauna of Madera Canyon. We were quite surprised to learn that  bug collectors have gathered so many specimens of various beetles and bugs that certain bug populations appear to be dwindling. And we always thought of the canyon as a place for birders to gather and gawk. Personally, I think we were happy not to have a plethora of bugs around our food and drink!

After we ate lunch Ranger Doug had a great slideshow and lots of information to tell us about Madera Canyon!
View of Santa Ritas ~ Courtesy of Ranger Doug
Fall Scene ~ Courtesy of Ranger Doug
Waterfall in Madera Canyon ~ Courtesy of Ranger Doug
We all enjoy watching flora and fauna but sometimes they watch back! Christie appears to be communing with a curious Mule Deer.
No, Christie, that is not a pony!
LtoR - Susie and Connie
What's in that koolaid Connie?
LtoR - Debbie, Ruth, Daryl, Doug, Cathy, Connie
Christy, Pam, Vicky, Carole, Susie
LtoR - Vicky, Susie, Christy, Cathy, Ruth, Doug, Daryl,
Carole, Pam, Connie, Debbie
Photo Op from the right

LtoR - Vicky, Susie, Christy, Cathy, Ruth, Doug, Daryl,
Carole, Pam, Connie, Debbie
Another Photo Op from the left - have to get everyone's best side, you know!
LtoR - Patrick, Carole, Doug
Did Patrick nearly give Cathy a ticket?
Thank you Carole, aka "The Fixer", for Cathy's "Get Out of Jail Free" card!
Aside from the the varied and beautiful sights and sounds of Madera Canyon, the area is steeped in history and lore as well. This author's favorite is of Larcena Pennington Page Scott (1837-1913). Captured by Apaches and force-marched out of Madera Canyon, the 23-year-old newlywed was stripped of her clothing and shoes, lanced several times and pushed over a cliff, where she landed in a snowbank. Too weak for her cries to be heard, Larcena survived for 16 days on melted snow and wild plants while making her way back to her husband's logging camp 15 miles away. Her husband, John Page, was killed by Apaches a year later. Larcena would marry again, bear three children, and die peacefully in her home in 1913. I'll bet she would have made a great Woman Who Wines!

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