
Sunday, August 21, 2016

Spa and Ahhhh Day - Thursday, August 19, 2016

Our annual spa day started out must have been a little too early for Connie since she got lost in Quail Creek on her way to pick up Ruth.  After stopping and fueling up at Starbucks we enjoyed the ride munching on homemade biscotti, complements of Ruth, which gave us energy for our thought provoking conversation.

Once the contingent of Connie, Cathy, Kelly, Ruth and Debbie arrived at Starr Pass we had a little bit of time to kill before the first appointment so Cathy, Kelly and Ruth put on a fashion show for us modeling dresses from the little boutique.  Ruth actually bought a gorgeous flowing, and sheer, dress and had her toenails painted to match.  She’s going to be a big hit at the pool party she’s going to next week.  Look out men!

After all our beauty treatments we ended up being more lovely than when we arrived, if you can believe that.

Lunch was delicious as always and then we headed out to the pool to claim our cabana.  We had the pool mostly to ourselves and enjoyed the weather and the water.  Once again, we over did the snack. We’re no slouches when it comes to eating so we made short work of delicious fruits, cheeses, crackers and dips…yummy!

We also made a new friend while we were there.  Gail was there alone dropping off her son at the UofA so we invited her to join us for some snacks, drinks and lively banter around the pool.  She thought we were wonderful and witty, which I guess we kinda were, so we invited her to join the WWW if she ever moves to AZ from NH.  There was a teensy bit of wine consumed which may have contributed to our wonderfulness.

This was the 3rd year for our spa day and it seems to get better with age…as we do!

Guest blogger Debbie!

Kelly in a relaxed pose
Connie - Checking out the scene!
Debbie - Is that a slightly guilty grin?
Ruth - Looking as fashionable as ever!

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