
Sunday, May 14, 2017

Extreme Bocce Ball - May 5, 2017

Who Knew?
  • Bocce is the third most popular sport in the world, next to golf and soccer.
  • There are 25 million bocce players throughout the United States alone.

The National Foundation announced the following study results on corporate America recreation preferences:
  1. Sport of choice for front line workers: BOCCE
  2. Sport of choice for supervisors: BASEBALL
  3. Sport of choice for middle management: TENNIS
  4. Sport of choice for corporate officers: GOLF
CONCLUSION: The higher you are in the corporate structure, the smaller your balls.

Wait, aren't there a lot of golfers in Quail Creek? Don't tell the guys!

Cathy was our hostess for our extreme bocce ball event on Friday, May 5, 2017. Extremely hot that is! Just our luck the temperature zoomed upwards in the high 90's for our playing pleasure! We started our day early to beat the heat and Cathy brought Mimosas and treats for our brunch. There were 9 stalwart bocce ladies for the day.

LtoR - Vicky, Daryl, Pam, Debbie, Cathy, Susie and Connie
Carole joined us too late for the photo opp!
LtoR - Kelly, Pam, Debbie, Cathy, Susie, Connie and Vicky
Cathy 'splaining the rules
We decided we'd better play by Cathy's rules!
Teams are drawn by random numbering.
Connie starts off our game!
Sometimes we hit the opposite wall...
Daryl throws the pallino...anddd it's gone!
Kelly - Such form!
Susie finesses her ball
Carole winds up for action!
How did Debbie manage to look as cool as a cucumber in the hot, hot sun?!
Go Connie go!
LtoR - Team Susie, Vicky, Cathy, Carole and Pam won!
The group retired to the Fiesta Room at the Grill for a private luncheon. We did have one lady try to join us...probably because we looked like we were having so much fun!

LtoR - Connie, Kelly, Pam, Carole, Debbie, Kelly, Cathy, Susie
Cathy treated all of the ladies to lovely gifts to celebrate the day.
The winning Bocce team received decorated wine glasses.
What fun!
LtoR - Connie, Kelly, Pam, Carole, Debbie, Kelly, Cathy, Susie
The second place Bocce team received decorated ceramic trinket dishes.
So cute!